Teacher Training

To become a teacher of Fun Drumming and Drumfulness is not as difficult as some would imagine.

I have been a Drummer/Percussionist for over 50 years and have played on many International hits and with all this experience I have developed a simple way to teach and convey how to play in such a way that even those of you who have never touched a drum will be ready to teach both children and adults in a relatively short period.


With these skills you will not only enjoy the thrill of being able to play along with most musical styles (whether at home to the radio or live with other musicians) but be enabled to teach others and lead or participate in your own drum groups.


It really depends on you and how you apply yourself to the techniques I give to you.

By that I mean practice. It is fundamental to all spheres of learning, one simply has to repeat the exercises over and over again until they are impressed into your brain to the point where you hardly have to think should it be this hand or that hand , this placement or that, it will just be there


Although I do go out and teach groups of drummers most of my work will be carried out live over SKYPE, FACETIME or some suitable social media platform.

This can be done one to one as well as for small groups.


Classes (unless otherwise arranged) will be given once a week and will be by mutual arrangement ie; a time that suits us both.


Sometimes, where I deem it necessary I will recommend that you watch a video of certain rhythms and moves that I have created for the specific class I am teaching, but in general what we do either live over the net or live in person will suffice to bring you to the standard required to teach.


Who can we teach once we’re qualified?

It depends on your ability to communicate and your confidence to get “out there” which will determine whether you share your abilities one to one with friends, neighbours, acquaintances etc. and slowly begin to build a circle of influence by word of mouth etc. etc.

Or, whether you want to “flyer” schools informing of your presence and your desire to teach in establishments such as these in your area and also social clubs, institutes, meeting places, care homes etc. etc. You may have to be prepared to do your “taster” programme for free and see what kind of impact you have.

If you are well received then you are likely to be asked back for more, in which case you can agree on a price for your skills.


However the rule of thumb is that things take time so be prepared to steadily build your percussive skills along with your network of friends and associates and sooner or later you will be reaching the souls out there who need and want your expertise.


In general a 12 week course should be enough to bring you to the point where we will award you with a Certificate of Excellence in Fun Drumming and Drumfullness

However, it is a fact that some of us take a little longer to “get it” than others in which case a longer period of tuition may be required. 

Fundrumming Teacher Training Sessions

Week 1

Warm ups: Fun with synchronised arm and hand movements

Introduction to each type of beat; ie: Breves, Minim’s, Crotchets, Quavers and Semiquavers.

Teaching relevant mantras to chant as you play the varieties of note values.

This will help you to remember how to play the given phrase, at what speed and where on the drum to place your hands.

NB: don’t get nervous about musical terminology, it sounds harder than it actually is.

Week 2

Review of week 1

Warm ups, going back over what was given in the previous week to see if you have absorbed the teachings.

Mixing and matching the Crotchets with the Quavers, introducing a variety of interesting Rhythms and Phrases that can be produced with these very simple and basic beats.

Introducing Semiquavers into the mix and then mixing and matching them with Quavers and crotchets.

NB: Kindly remembering that each of these phrases has a guiding mantra to assist you through the learning.

Week 3

Review of week 2

Running again through mixing and matching of Crotchets, Quavers and Semiquavers, but introducing a higher degree of difficulty if the student is ready for it.

Introducing an advanced technique which will need sometimes weeks or months even to perfect but which will give the student hours of fun especially when they perfect it

Week 3’s advanced addition is finger pinger creating a 9 stroke demisemiquavers blast from the fingers of both hands.

Week 4

Review of week 3

Any problems or difficulties to be ironed out

Mind Benders (sounds worse than it actually is) introducing Paradiddles, double Paradiddles, Mummy Daddy beats and weak hand strengtheners, all good stuff.

Introduction of basic techniques to attain and teach mindfulness.

This week the beat we utilise is the double Breve along with special hand movements, accompanied by the Aum chant, very relaxing.

Week 5

Review of week 4

Of course, any difficulties or misunderstandings will be ironed out.

Simple tests on note values, simple tests on which mantras fit with what beats

The student will be played a number of phrases and asked to say what mantras fit those phrases.

Finger Pinger progress will be tested and any faulty execution will be pointed out and adjustments made..

Tests will also be run on the Mind Bender phrases. If the student has mastered them then they will be given some more phrases and or asked to speed up the Mind Benders learned.

Again, finishing with the Double Breve, Aum, Mindfulness.

Week 6

Review of week 5

If all is well then Week 6 will be the week when we introduce Triplets

Quavers triplets with relevant mantras are introduced and it is demonstrated how to mix and match Quaver Triplets and Crotchets.

In my experience as a teacher Triplets can be a little more difficult than the previous beats, therefore the whole of this lesson will be dedicated to them.

Finish with a Mindfulness exercise based on Crotchets and Quavers

Week 7

Review of week 6

Again Triplets will be focused on exclusively.

If the student is comfortable with them then more intricate phrases will be taught.

The Finger Pinger technique will be checked and encouraged and if some small progress has been made a “prize” of another advance technique will be taught

In this case, Heel, Heel, Toe, Toe; a unique way of being eventually able to play at top speed without tiring as when one plays “hand to hand”

Week 8

Review week 7

Copy Cat session.

 I play Rhythms from right back to Week 1 and slowly pass through the following weeks with the phrases getting gradually more complex. The student is expected to copy me both with hands and voice. If you are “tone deaf” it doesn’t matter all that matters is you at least pronounce the mantra correctly and symbiotically with the drum beats.

If you feel comfortable with this I may “challenge” you to do the same again but at a faster tempo.

Finish with a Crotchet and Quaver Mindfulness exercise.

Week 9

Review week 8

Enquire at this point as to what you would like to look at from everything they have learned so far.

Invite you to Reverse Copy Cat ie; you create a phrase and I have to follow

This is preparing you for taking the lead as a teacher

Then I will ask you to take me on a Mindfulness exercise, starting with the Double Breve and leading on to The Crotchet Quaver. Mindfulness.

If all goes well another advanced “prize”. Quaver and maybe Semiquaver Drum Walk

Week 10

Review everything from Week 1 up till the present.

Looking for any anomalies, mistakes, uncertainties or weaknesses.

Questions on all aspects, theory, Mantras, technique etc. etc.

Introducing Fun Drum, Rumble-Cut, Rumble Cut.

Week 11

Briefly review Week 10

Teach Broken Phrases and Accents

Then Set up patterns where we can maintain a steady tempo

Then whilst you hold this steady tempo I will play Accents within that rhythm teaching how and where they fall within the beats

Then we reverse the process with me holding the straight tempo and the student attempting to add in the accents.

Week 12

I will provide a drum/chant recording which I will play a couple of times to you to familiarise you with what is to come.

Then I will invite them as we play it again to Copy Cat what they hear and see

If you can manage a 75 per cent (approx.) correct Copy Catting you will have earned your Certificate.